Movements to the upward position ÃWrist and Hand ·Flexion (wrist and hand flexors lay complicate isometric contraction) oFlexor carpi radialis oFlexor carpi ulnaris oPalmaris longus oFlexor digitorum profundus oFlexor digitorum superficialis oFlexor pollicis longus ÃElbow Joint ·Extension ·Elbow extensors oTriceps brachii oAnconeus à elevate Joint ·Flexion and level adduction ·Shoulder knock flexors and plane adducto rs oPectoralis major oAnterior deltoid oCoracobrachialis oBiceps brachii ÃShoulder waistband ·Abduction ·Shoulder break abductors oSerratus anterior oPectoralis minor Return Movement to Starting eyeshot ÃWrist and Hand ·Flexion oWrist and hand flexors have unmatched movement ÃElbow Joint ·Flexion oElbow extensors have subject contraction ÃShoulder Joint ·Extension and horizontal abduction oShoulder joint flexors and horizontal adductors have eccentric contraction ÃShoulder Girdle ·Adduction oShoulder arm adductors have eccentric contraction If you want to gear up a estimable essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com
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